
Lakeshore Tennis Club offers several adult doubles tennis leagues, including a Ladies League, Men’s League and Mixed League. Advance registration is required for all leagues; participation is free and available to members. Leagues are run alternately, every 2 weeks, unless otherwise noted (see EVENT CALENDAR on main page)
Sign-up is available 7 days prior to each league session date.
NEW in 2024 is a junior Doubles League on Sunday afternoons.
Women’s League Every second Monday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Starting MAY 6th)
Women’s League is targeted for doubles players with experience playing doubles tennis. This league fills up quickly, so sign up early to play.
Mixed Tennis League (Men & Women) Every second Tuesday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Starting April 30th)
Our Mixed Tennis League is targeted for doubles players with experience playing tennis. Players will be assigned a court to play on each with and will play with a variety of members throughout the season. This is a very popular league, so please be sure to sign up early for each session.
Team Tennis League Every second Wednesday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Starting May 8th)
Our Team Tennis League is targeted for more experienced doubles players. Members can submit a team of four, with one alternate/sub, OR can ask to be placed on a team. Check keeping your emails for more info!
Novice/Beginner League Every second Sunday afternoon from 2:00 pm -4:00 pm (Starting May 12th)
Due to tournaments causing some Sundays to not be available, here are the dates for the Novice league. May 12th, June 2nd, June 23, July 7, July 21, August 4 and August 18.
This league is designed for players who are newer to the game. Instruction is provided for players regarding doubles tactics, scoring and general play.
Men's League Every second Thursday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Starting May 2nd)
Men’s League is open to both experienced doubles players as well as those looking to gain more court time to learn doubles. This league always fills up early so be sure to sign up early for each session.
NEW* Junior Doubles League Every second Sunday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Starting May 5th)
Due to tournaments causing some Sundays to not be available, here are the dates for the Novice league: May 5th, May 26th, June 16th, June 30th, July 14th, July 28th and August 11th
This league is designed for junior players of all skillsets looking to gain experience playing doubles. Court assignments will be made based on skill level so all level of junior players are welcome!
Singles League Monthly
Members interested in singles play are matched with players of a similar level by our staff.
Players are then responsible for setting up their own matches and recording scores.
It’s a great way to get to know other members who also enjoy singles play.